Community Announcements Request Form

The Town of Troutman has multiple ways to announce upcoming events for Troutman and the surrounding community. Below are the guidelines for each.

  • Electronic Sign located on the Richardson Greenway on Highway 21

A. Event must be conducted within the Troutman Town limits. 
B. Must be for non-profit.
C. Please note limited space on the sign screen. List only basic information.

  • Town of Troutman or Troutman Parks & Recreation Facebook page

A. Area events only. (Troutman)
B. Must be for non-profit.

  • The Whistle Stop Newsletter

A. Event must be conducted within Town limits
B. Must be for non-profit.
C. Deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of each month for the following months' issue.
D. Space is limited for announcements and may or may not make the edition.


You can email or hand-deliver (400 N Eastway Dr.) an event flyer to our office to give more detail and/or to be placed on the community board at Town Hall.


The Town of Troutman reserves the right to edit proposed announcements and the right to refuse to post announcements due to space limitations or for any other reason.

* - denotes required field