
School Resource Officer Unit

Within the Town of Troutman, there are 4 Iredell-Statesville Schools- Troutman Elementary School, Troutman Middle School, South Iredell High School, and the Career Academy and Technical School along with a public charter school, Iredell Charter Academy of Arts and Science. Each of these schools has at least one full-time School Resource Officer assigned to the facility.


The Troutman Police Department School Resource Officer Unit is commanded by Sergeant Kerry Baker who has spent the majority of his 20-year career serving as a School Resource Officer.


The School Resource Officer Unit provides officers to investigate criminal activity on or near school property. The officers act as a liaison between school administration and law enforcement as well as participate in providing a safe educational environment for students and staff.  These officers work to provide positive interactions between students and law enforcement officers and to help prevent youth from being involved in crime. School Resource Officers serve as mentors and role models within the school system, and when a student does commit a criminal act they investigate and work with the Department of Juvenile Justice, District Attorney’s Office, and school administration to take the appropriate action, whether that be a diversion program or prosecution in the courts.